In the News
An Inside Job: How the IoT is Changing Home Security
TODO ?>Several articles have come out recently about the Internet of Things (IoT) and the privacy risks associated with it. Most devices on the IoT connect through Wi-Fi, so if your connection isn’t secure neither are those devices. This means things like your smart fridge, home security system, gaming console and automated lighting (just to name a few) may be at risk. Just yesterday it was reported that hackers used a smart fridge to steal someone’s Gmail credentials. And this is hardly the first report of an IoT device being compromised.
Another fact that’s been highlighted recently is that routers, as opposed to individual machines, are being attacked. By accessing your network through a router, hackers can attack every computer or device connected through the router – including all your devices on the Internet of Things. These router attacks can be particularly sneaky, as they often occur from inside your home. When you connect to a malicious page on a website hackers can attack your router from the inside by using your own browser. Once they attack your router any and all devices connected to it become compromised, which is a pretty daunting thought.
So what can you do to protect yourself? Securing your router is a good start. Golden Frog’s VyprVPN Router App provides protection for your devices at home. By installing the VyprVPN Router App, you can quickly and easily encrypt all the deviceson your home Internet connection at once.
Learn more about protecting your home with VyprVPN Router app.