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NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Seeks Pardon
TODO ?>Last week, several groups (ACLU, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International, among others) launched a campaign seeking pardon for Edward Snowden. This campaign asks President Obama to pardon Snowden, the NSA whistleblower whose name has become synonymous with privacy and Internet rights. Snowden currently lives in Russia, where he was granted asylum and has been living since 2013. The call for pardon comes before Obama’s term as President of the United States comes to a close.
Last week, Snowden sat down for an interview with the Guardian where he stated that morally and ethically he did the right thing. He said he encourages people to speak up when government overreach takes place, and that his actions were necessary. Thus, he is asking to be pardoned on moral grounds.
There is a petition available at pardonsnowden.org, which allows you to call for action and urge the President to issue a pardon and send Snowden home. Additional information on this effort can be found on the Facebook page promoting action, as well as a Twitter account.
The call for pardon is conveniently timed with the release of the Snowden movie, which hit theaters on 9/16. You can view the trailer here.
Sources: The Next Web, CNet